ISO/SAE 21434 standard: The importance for the automotive industry and the safety of connected vehicles

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The ISO/SAE 21434 standard, also known as "Road vehicles - Cybersecurity engineering", plays a central role in the automotive industry and is of immense importance in ensuring the cybersecurity of connected vehicles. As vehicles become more digitized and connected, robust cybersecurity systems are essential to thwart potential cyberattacks and ensure the safety of vehicle occupants.

Uniform approach and common standards

The ISO/SAE 21434 standard promotes a unified approach to cybersecurity in the automotive industry. It creates a structured framework for:

  • Assessment of potential damage and threats
  • Identification of risks
  • Implementation of risk mitigation measures

Establishing common standards will facilitate collaboration among manufacturers, suppliers and other industry partners to identify and address safety-critical vulnerabilities.

Mandatory application and requirement for certification

The ISO/SAE 21434 standard has been mandatory for the automotive industry since its publication in August 2021. Manufacturers are encouraged to consider the standard in the development and production of their vehicles to meet cybersecurity requirements. Compliance with the standard is:

  1. Important step towards improving vehicle safety
  2. Prerequisite for certification according to UNECE Regulation R 155 "Cyber security and cyber security management system".

Importance for market approval and consumer confidence

Meeting the requirements of the ISO/SAE 21434 standard is of great importance for automotive manufacturers in order to register their vehicles on the European and international markets. The standard ensures that vehicles:

  • Meeting the high demands of cybersecurity
  • Do not pose unnecessary risks to consumers

The ISO/SAE 21434 standard thus helps to increase consumer confidence in the safety of connected vehicles.

Competitive Advantage and International Harmonization

The ISO/SAE 21434 standard offers automotive manufacturers a clear competitive advantage. Manufacturers who comprehensively implement the standard and can position their vehicles as safe and secure have a clear advantage over competitors who do not meet this standard.

The ISO/SAE 21434 standard also plays an important role in the international harmonization of cybersecurity standards. Collaboration between the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) creates uniform guidelines and standards that apply across national boundaries. This promotes the global exchange of best practices and facilitates collaboration between automotive manufacturers and other industry players.


In summary, the ISO/SAE 21434 standard provides a fundamental framework for ensuring the cybersecurity of connected vehicles and is of great importance to the automotive industry. It contributes to:

  1. Improve the safety of vehicles
  2. Increase consumer confidence in the safety of connected vehicles
  3. To increase the competitive advantage of manufacturers

In an increasingly connected world, ensuring cybersecurity is a key aspect of securing the future viability of the automotive industry. Automotive manufacturers that comprehensively implement the ISO/SAE 21434 standard are positioning themselves as cybersecurity pioneers and making a significant contribution to the safety and security of connected vehicles. International harmonization of cybersecurity standards also creates global standards that facilitate the sharing of best practices and strengthen industry collaboration.