User Guide

itemis ANALYZE
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What is Requirements Traceability?

The term requirements traceability originates from the field of software development and systems engineering.

Overview of itemis ANALYZE

ANALYZE enables easy and well-arranged traceability management across all tools.

First steps with itemis ANALYZE

Find out how to install the tool, set up your workspace and configure your analysis environment.

Linking artifacts of the development process with ANALYZE Editor

The ANALYZE Editor view is the main component used to manage trace links. You can create, edit, and delete links between artifacts by means of this editor.

Browsing existing artifacts and links

Changing a requirement may have grave consequences on artifacts depending on it.

Identifying changes in a project

Validations and model snapshots can help you to keep your data correct and consistent and to analyse changes.

Analyzing your projects traceability status: the Analysis perspective

Inspecting the traceability status, doing coverage analysis, calculating the impact of change, preparing meaningful management reports: That’s what the Analysis perspective is for.

Connecting itemis ANALYZE to various tools

The following sections are giving you a detailed overview on how to configure itemis ANALYZE in order to connect it to a variety of specific tools.


This chapter contains frequently asked questions and adapter-specific configuration details for configuration storage types and data access types.

Release notes

Which new features have been implemented, which bugs have been fixed?