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itemis ANALYZE 23-08 (1.1.2333)


Contrast in Overview

The text color in the itemis ANALAYZE Overview switched between light and dark depending on the artifact type color to improve contrast.

Read-Only handling of configuration (Enable DA)

For read only files it’s possible to apply changes in enabled or disabled data accesses without saving the file.

The validation and messaged for query inferred links is improved, if the artifacts does not match the required artifact types.

Enterprise Architect adapter

The Enterprise Architect adapter supports the configuration of QEA and QEAX files saved by Enterprise Architect 16 and newer.

Constraints of classes and operations can be extracted as comma separated attribute value.

Links created by itemis ANALYZE can get additional stereotypes. The same is possible for the surrogates which are created for external elements.

ModelViewer update

The latest version of the itemis ModelViewer has improved model visualization. The version in itemis ANALYZE was updated to the latest release.


Coverage report

Under some circumstances the default coverage report calculated wrong numbers for linked artifacts.

Quickfix of EA made more stable

Fixing suspect links stored in Enterprise Architect models lead to an exception sometime which interrupts the update. The suspect link is found afterwards again and can be tried to fix again. This is more stable now.

Text of external Hyperlinks in Word

The word adapter ignores text in hyperlinks to prevent artifacts in table of contents or references to artifacts. External hyperlinks are now not part of this exception anymore and the hyperlink text can be extracted.

Disabled schema validation of XML adapter

The XML adapter does not validate the XML schema anymore. Some tools produce XML files with invalid schema definition and usage. Artifacts in these files can be extracted now.