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itemis ANALYZE 23-12 (1.1.2351)


Configuration Editor

The Configuration editor will search in mapping text also. When entering a search text rows with matches in the table are on top and those with matches in a mapping right after them.

Parameters can be concatenated with other parameters or strings when used in most adapter configurations. Some adapters, like Doors or Excel support ‚IN’ constraints for a list of possible values. If you want to specify multiple values by a parameter you can use the ‚split($parameterName, "-")’ function to get a list of possible values by separating the parameter value at a separator (like ‚ -’).

For attribute mappings we support conditional mappings to reduce the number of required mappings.

Query language

If artifacts or links are 'collect’ed in a query, the attributes of these elements can be accessed later by using 'artifact(" columnName")' or 'link(" columnName")'. Attributes or properties of artifacts and links can be accessed like 'artifact(" columnName").Name'.

Batch Mode

For queries the Query output format can be specified in batch runs. Possible values are CSV and Excel.

The snapshots can be automatically uploaded to ANALYZE in the web by specifying the ‚uploadProjectID’ parameter and providing the login credentials as environment variables (ANALYZE_WEB_LOGIN_USERNAME, ANALYZE_WEB_LOGIN_PASSWORD) or in the secret store.

Loading data in parallel

Some adapters (like XML) can extract artifacts from different resources at the same time now. For resources which required slow network or disk access this can decrease the time to load all artifacts.

Enterprise Architect

We support mapping the creation and the modification date from the enterprise architect elements.

Excel Adapter

Filtering Excel artifacts now includes support for content matches a regular expression. This was possible in the reference cell already and is improved for any relative cell to reduce matches.

Rhapsody Adapter

Links from rhapsody can be extracted in the opposite direction now, by defining ‚link source is B’ in the link type mapping.



The text color is adapted to the background color of the node to increase the contrast between text and background.

Configuration Editor

Some warnings and errors on the second or later mapping, except the first one, were not visualized in the upper table. This is now fixed.

Enterprise Architect Adapter

Stereotypes of connectors were broken and can be mapped now.

Word adapter

Text of hyperlinks is likely a document internal reference to another chapter or image. For these links the text is not matched against the artifact configuration to avoid duplicates. If the hyperlink is not an internal reference, the text is now matched against the configuration to identify artifacts.

XML Adapter

Invalid namespaces in XML files are ignored and not validated anymore.